Hypocrisy and Hypocrites

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Good News For Youth (GNFY) published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders and posted by permission of the editor.


The man who says he is kept away from religion by hypocrisy
 is not influenced by hypocrites anywhere else in his life!


  • Business is full of hypocrisy, but if he sees a chance at making money, he does not stop for that
  • Society is crowded with hypocrites, and yet he never thinks of becoming a hermit
  • Married life is full of them, but that doesn’t make him remain a bachelor
  • Hell is full of hypocrites, and yet he doesn’t do a thing to keep himself from going there.


He wants to have you think he is trying to avoid the society of hypocrites, and yet he does not take a single step toward heaven - is that hypocrisy?

Heaven is the only place where hypocrites cannot go!


-- Adapted from Bulletin Digest --


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