Thank You to Young People

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Good News For Youth (GNFY) published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders and posted by permission of the editor.


Thank You to Young People!

Thank You to Young People for Providing PerspectiveThank you, young people, for sometimes helping us as parents to visualize through your words and actions just how life really can be viewed through the eyes of a child, teen or young adult.


We truly, young and old, need to strive hard maintaining positive attitudes and need to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person


We need to have a good, positive Christian influence on those around us. Not only did Christ show discipline and give instruction to those lives He touched, but He also freely gave of Himself in the areas of compassion, mercy and charity. He taught us the meaning of being humble and meek. May we learn from the Master to show those same qualities when dealing with loved ones, family, friends and the world. 


-- jma, August 2000 --


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