What Immodest Dress of Church Members Says

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Good News For Youth (GNFY) published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders and posted by permission of the editor.


Immodest clothing is too short, too tight, too thin, or too low at the neckline


To the Elders:

"I will not obey Hebrews 13:17 and be in subjection to you."


To the Preacher:

"All your words of caution and concern are wasted on me."


To the Church:

"I don’t care how much my bad influence hurts you."


To the Children:

"Obeying God is not really so important."


To the Community:

"I’m a member of the church, but I don’t take my religion seriously."


To the Lustful Eye:

"I may be available, why not try me?"


To God:

"I love the pleasures of sin more than I love thy word."


To the Devil:

"You are my master, I am your servant."


What are you saying with your clothing choices?


-- Ernest Underwood, April 2000 --


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