Why Not?

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Good News For Youth (GNFY) published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders and posted by permission of the editor.


Why not give a friend a tract?

Why not share with a neighbor in need?

Why not help a friend with a personal problem?

Why not encourage someone to take a Bible correspondence course?

Why not give a smile to someone today?

Why not let God work His purposes in your life?

Why not show to others that Christianity is worth sharing anytime, anywhere?

Why not visit with a newcomer in your community?

Why not talk to a friend about his soul?

Why not show concern to those who have lost a loved one?

Why not let someone know you are "happy" about being a Christian?

Why not start loving your neighbors as yourself?

Why not be nice to people even when you do not feel like it?


-- Kenneth McClain, December 2001 --


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