Good News For Youth (GNFY) published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders and posted by permission of the editor.
So often the old Devil seeks to discourage us by hindering the Lord's work. He is a master at discouraging the brethren, making us think it is not worth the effort. He knows every trick and every ploy. We need to keep persevering.
So often godly saints want to quit and say... "It is not worth the effort..."
Often Elders grow discouraged because sheep stray and reject all efforts to restore them. Many members could not care less that brethren grow weak and die spiritually, so they become grounds of discouragement by hindering the reclamation and discipline of lost members (see Hebrews 13:7-17). As a result, Elders often feel... "It is not worth the effort..."
Often Deacons grow discouraged because so few will cooperate with them in getting the job done. Other deacons do not bear their fair share of the load and this discourages, too. They say... "It is not worth the effort..."
Often Bible School Teachers grow discouraged. Students do not study their lessons, and if comments are made, half are wrong or off the point (See 2 Timothy 2:15)! Many act as if Bible study is an "optional expedient" instead of "growth unto salvation." Then the old expression arises... "It is not worth the effort..."
Often Preachers despair. People often fail to react as they should to the word. Preachers' words and actions are often misunderstood, misrepresented or actually opposed, so he becomes discouraged. After years of study, application and faithful service, a handful of brethren can destroy the preacher's work by getting the ear of the eldership, so the preacher says... "It is not worth the effort..."
Many times it takes tremendous effort to persevere in our work in the kingdom. Only those who have been there really understand the unremitting toil, sacrifice, time and effort, and even money it takes to continually achieve for the Master (in any of the above roles). No one else may even notice, much less sympathize or help. But,
It may not be worth the effort if we are only working for money or we serve or for favor or popularity or for any of a hundred other reasons. But,
-- Andrew Connally, July 2001 --