Good News For Youth (GNFY) published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders and posted by permission of the editor.
What is the greatest day of a
Christian teenager’s life:
The day that teenager...
All of these are important days to be sure, but would you believe that you are wrong, whatever your answer? The real answer was E. None of the above.
I am firmly convinced that the greatest day in a Christian teenager’s life is the day that they can say, by themselves because it is morally and spiritually right, "NO" to Satan’s temptations and win an important victory for self and Christ! |
It is the day that a
Christian teenage girl says "no" to a boy she may even be in
love with because she wants to keep her body pure and leave sex
where God put it (in the marriage relationship).
It is the day that a Christian boy or girl says "No" to their peers and refuses to drink alcoholic beverages.
It is the day that a Christian teen says "No" to the temptation to try drugs.
It is the day that a Christian teen listens to their godly parent’s advice and stand as an individual who does not have to "go along with the crowd."
It is the day they say "No" to Satan and "Yes" to Jesus Christ!
May God bless our teenagers when they reach the greatest day of their lives. |
Solomon said in the long ago,
-- Daniel Whitworth, October 2000 --