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What Impression Do We Make?

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Good News For Youth (GNFY) published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders and posted by permission of the editor.


As I thought about the visitors that we have at services, the question came to mind:  What kind of impression do we make collectively and individually on our visitors?  Someone said, "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression."


What kind of impression do we make when...


Sleeping here gives a bad impression

1. ...they see us sleeping or daydreaming during the services?


2. ...they see us not singing in worship?


3. ...they see us coming in late for services?


4. ...they see us whisper, write notes, play with the baby or be distracting in other ways during the services?


5. ...they hear us complain because the preacher got on our toes, the sermon was too long, the songs not pitched right or the service was boring?


6. ...we fail to be friendly and never invite visitors to return?


-– Danny Box (Adapted), March 2001 –-


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