"Have You Heard" Newspaper Articles Posted with the Permission of the Streetsboro Church of Christ.
A foundational truth that must be established before we begin to study other matters pertaining to the Bible and Christianity in general is;
Indeed, if one does not believe that God exists there is no point in going any further in a Bible study of any sort. Therefore, we will devote the next two weeks to answering this important question.
How can one know that God exists? There are several ways. Because of space considerations, we will discuss the two arguments that I believe are the strongest.
First, there is the law of Cause and Effect. This is one of our fundamental laws
of science. It simply states that for every effect there must be a cause.
For example, a baseball flying through the air could be an effect. The cause of that effect is the bat hitting the ball. In this way, all of life can be broken down into causes and effects.
The question must then be asked, What caused the universe? Those who do not believe in God will tell us that the universe has simply always existed. This goes against the law of cause and effect. It implies that the universe is eternal. However, every bit of scientific evidence that we have indicates that the universe had a beginning and that matter is not eternal.
The only possible cause for our physical universe is a spiritual power. God is a spirit and, therefore, is not subject to the Law of Cause and Effect. God has no cause (or creator). He simply has always existed.
God must exist because, without Him, we would not be here. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him." (Colossians 1:16).
Another very powerful argument for
the existence of God is this: Where there is design, there must be a designer. Really this is simply an argument based on common sense. When we look at an
automobile, we understand that it was designed and built by someone. I don’t
believe that anyone has ever examined an automobile and come to the conclusion
that it did not have a designer or builder. To say such would be to claim that
it just happened by accident. That over a great period of time, all of the
elements (rubber, metal, fabric, fluids) that make up that vehicle just happened
to fall in the correct places and voila, a car.
Does that theory sound familiar? That is exactly what evolutionists claim about the human body. Friends, the human body makes an automobile look like a toaster. The Psalmist put it this way; “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” (Psalm 139:14).
Let me tell you about the best camera I have ever heard of. It has a perfect lens and comes with a built-in lens cover. It works in close-up, wide-angle, and telephoto modes with no other equipment needed. It has autofocus capabilities. It automatically corrects for lighting conditions and never needs the film replaced. It also is self-cleaning. Who makes this amazing camera? Well, evolutionists will tell you that it made itself.
I am telling you that it was made by God; for it is your eye. Your eye
proves that there is a God! Your eye takes in 80% of all the information that is
processed by your brain. The film (the retina) takes up less than a square inch
and contains 137 million light sensitive receptor cells. Your tear ducts secrete
a potent bacteria killing enzyme and your eyelids act as “windshield wipers” to
keep the eye clean and infection free.
Did all of this happen by accident? I don’t think so. Where there is design, there must be a designer.
-- Ralph Price --